The Hard Truth about Very-Early Ventures

At long last — you’re ON-BOARD to make your 
Founding Journey from IDEA to EVIDENCE to ASK...

But if your Flight Crew told YOU 
that 95 out of every 100 planes FAIL to arrive
FALL from the sky in-route...

Would you STILL want to GET ON THE PLANE? 

Meet The Elephant

In Every Boardroom — At Every Pitch Table — At Every Demo Day...

95% of All Ventures Fail
by the end of YR5

75% FAIL by the end of YR2

The more I studied the VENTURE FAIL phenomenon, the more the tiny 5% SUCCESS RATE got Under My Skin. 

All these endless crashes HAUNTED me... 
And eventually I had to ASK

Is ANYTHING being 
LEARNED from all that wreckage? 

If you were to PLAYBACK
all the Black Boxes
from all the Founder Cockpits
of ventures on their way to the ground...
Write your awesome label here.

What would you LEARN?


for Founders of Very-Early Ventures:

Why "Social" Is HARDER...

"Social" is HARDER than just focusing on PROFIT — and harder than just FUNDRAISING to keep fueling a program or venture. 

  • Harder to STRUCTURE… 
  • Harder to EXPLAIN…
  • Harder to UNDERSTAND… 

Harder to say YES to as a funder, partner, or client / customer / beneficiary. 
ONE — Social ventures and pilot programs are (usually) HARDER TO PITCH than “typical” for-profit models — because:  
  • the problems being tackled are usually MORE COMPLEX 
  • it is HARDER TO BELIEVE that a practical, predictable solution is POSSIBLE to design or that a self-sustaining revenue-model is genuinely FEASIBLE to build. 
TWO — almost no one ever tells social entrepreneurs THE TRUTH — either about their TEAM or their VISION. 
It is VERY HARD to find a consistent stream of RELIABLE, HONEST feedback when you are building a social venture or pilot program. 
Now, when positioning myself as a potential source of truth about your team and your venture: 
I do NOT mean to suggest that I am somehow INFALLIBLE nor that I am ALWAYS RIGHT.
I cannot promise omniscience.
What I can and will ALWAYS do is: 
  • TRANSPARENTLY SHARE whatever I OBSERVE in your pitch-narrative + supporting docs + conversation
  • explain WHAT I believe you should DO IN-RESPONSE to my feedback — and WHY those actions will make you more Fundable + Viable. 
And you can RELY on my NEVER telling you that it’s GREAT when it ISN’T — or that you HAVE SOMETHING when you really DON’T. 

you are going to HEAR ABOUT IT from me :)

How I Would Make a Founding Journey
from IDEA to EVIDENCE to ASK...

The Viable Venture Roadmap

Move with Confident Momentum
in 3 Powerful Steps 🚀


Should you devote the Next 5+YRS to THIS specific venture?
Write your awesome label here.
Moving from IDEA to EVIDENCE to ASK 
with Confident Momentum
in 3 Powerful Steps 🚀


Help all your future partners Believe + Trust
your most crucial claims, assumptions, insights, and predictions. 
Write your awesome label here.


CRAFT Your Killer Pitch to ASK
Tell a compelling, memorable Opportunity Story about
the unique value your Very-Early Venture will create. 
Write your awesome label here.

COMMUNITY — Fundable Founders Alliance

If you are feeling stuck or need help with something, we have a thriving community of professionals on our discussion forums who are happy to lend a hand. You won't find that anywhere else!
Write your awesome label here.

Social Rocket Factory 
for Very-Early Founders...

LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard

What Everyone GETS WRONG 🤦🏻‍♂️
about Pitching Very-Early Ventures...

Your Pitch is a DIAGNOSTIC MRI🧑🏾‍⚕️that REVEALS Your Venture...

Write your awesome label here.

Pitching Is Like PROPOSING MARRIAGE to a Stranger on the First Date 💍

Write your awesome label here.

Pitching is NOT about manipulative Persuasion Techniques 🎯🙀🔫

Write your awesome label here.

YES comes from Trust + Evidence + Fit

Your Vision alone is NOT ENOUGH to get to YES...
You also need EVIDENCE that supports your most critical
Claims, Assumptions, Insights, and Predictions.
Pitches can ONLY INTRIGUE Your Listeners...
Your Pitch is THE BEGINNING of a Deeper Dialog...
YES only comes AFTER exhaustive Due Diligence.

Frequently asked questions

FAQ 1 title

FAQ 1 description

FAQ 2 title

FAQ 2 description

FAQ 3 title

FAQ 3 description

What Educators Say about Social Rocket Factory...

"Social Rocket Factory is for creators, dreamers, visionaries, and doers regardless of background, discipline, sector, or stage of development
— irrespective of geography, culture, background, or size."
Mark Gillespie
Co-Founder | Global Leaders Program (GLP)

3 Ways to Move Ahead...


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  • full white-label options


Newbie course creators
Billed annually - Save $60
Includes basic features plus:
  • No transaction fees
  • 20 admins / instructors
  • Bulk student upload
  • full white-label options


Newbie course creators
Billed annually - Save $60
Includes basic features plus:
  • No transaction fees
  • 20 admins / instructors
  • Bulk student upload
  • full white-label options
  • If so many capable founders have VISION + GRIT...
  • If the world is filled with challenging problems just waiting to be SOLVED...
  • If venture methodologies like Lean Startup + Agile are so well PROVEN...
  • If incubators + accelerators provide all the essential FRAMEWORK + RESOURCES...
  • If all those cadres of mentors + advisors are really so WISE...
Then WHY is the Venture Fail Rate STILL 95% 
YEAR after YEAR after YEAR stretching into DECADES

You HAVE to wonder: is ANYTHING being 
LEARNED from all that wreckage? 

🧘🏿‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ 4 Very-Early Mantras 🧘🏽‍♂️🧘🏿‍♂️🧘🏻‍♂️

Focus Points for successfully navigating
your Founding Journey from IDEA to 1ST RAISE...
Write your awesome label here.

The LEAST LIKELY Outcome for your venture is VIABILITY.

And everyone you
will eventually PITCH
already KNOWS it.
Write your awesome label here.

GREAT Fundability Answers require EVIDENCE.

Your Fundability is
(mostly) about
The Team + The Evidence.
Write your awesome label here.

ALWAYS Be Validating
and please...
do not STOP.

Validation is the core OPERATIONAL DISCIPLINE
inside every Very-Early Venture.
Write your awesome label here.

Evidence dissolves OBJECTIONS + and inspires TRUST. 

Without EVIDENCE your pitch
(at best) can only read like
great Science Fiction...


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A complete negotiation education program starts with private lessons.

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We feature a series of special workshops led by our instructors and guest professionals.

Workshop weeks

Our learners can benefit from learning with their peers. Try it and you will not regret it. 

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