About You & Me — Are We a Fit?

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If you’re like me, you think feel want worry about…
30YR Rubicon
Social Accountability 
Purpose vs. Profit (SE)
Reboot the Social Sector 
BlockChain DAO
No Code Products
Culture Design
Behavior Change = Social Change
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a Socially-Focused Startup Founder… 
Meaning (at least) that your Vision of Change is your primary motivator. 
Maybe you ALSO want to be rich — or maybe you don’t care very much about personal wealth. 
But either way, you want to see something important CHANGE in the world in a manner that significantly SHIFTS and TRANSFORMS not only HOW society “gets things done” but also how society IMAGINES and NAVIGATES its possible futures — a transformation of how people MAKE SENSE of their world and what they expect will BE POSSIBLE both individually and collectively. 
And then (ideally) you want to eventually see that transformation take place at very great SCALE — so that ultimately something important in fundamentally shifts for all of us everywhere. 
That’s a special kind of venture — something I would call a Social Rocket. 

And if that sounds like you — then you are most assuredly in the right place. 

You May RESONATE with... 

Sam Altman
Fred Wilson
Mark Suster
Marc Andreessen
Steve Blank
Empty space, drag to resize

And if that’s what you are building...

Then you’re probably somewhere in the earliest stages of your founding journey — moving from IDEA towards VALIDATION and then your 1ST RAISE.  
And perhaps this venture is your FIRST and probably then you are searching — maybe scrambling — to assemble all the moving parts of the venture you hope will launch and soar. 
And there is just NO END to the Endless Advice out there for founders and ventures. 
And it perhaps feels BURDENSOME to both DIGEST the magnitude of all those methods and mantras — and then to DISTILL all of it into a ROADMAP that can practically guide you as a founder building a Very-Early Venture: 
(a) Trying to DECIDE if your Venture Idea has sufficient promise to merit devoting the next 5+YRS of you life. 
(b) Trying to VALIDATE your claims, assumptions, insights and predictions so that you have the EVIDENCE in hand that others will need to 
(c) And wondering how you will craft a KILLER PITCH capable of conveying the UNIQUE VALUE your venture aspires to create. 
If any of those scenarios describe WHERE you are and how you FEEL — then you are in the right place — and I can help you with all the twists, turns, and challenges of the journey ahead. 

If that sounds like you — then you are in the right place to sort things out…

You May Have Found RELEVANT... 

Fast and Slow
Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference
Limits to Growth
Zero to One
Why Startups Fail
The Future of Success
Empty space, drag to resize

Or maybe this is your 2nd or 3rd entrepreneurial moment...

If THAT’S the case, from my perspective it’s no problem if your earlier venture attempts wound up as Crash-&-Burn's...
Because NOW we can both be SURE you understand just how IMPORTANT viability and validation really are. And if you're WISER now and RESILIENT enough to try again — that sounds like a GREAT BEGINNING to the kind of collaborative relationship I value the most.

If that sounds like you — then you are in the right place…

Cautionary Tales
You May Have Found ENLIGHTENING... 

Empty space, drag to resize
"The Martian"
General Magic
The Inventor: Out For Blood in Silicon Valley
The Social Dilemma
Coded Bias
WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn

Visionaries NOT Seen...

Visionaries are often NOT SEEN by persons who are more conventional and prosaic — and that can be problematic if you need STRANGERS to join you on your Founding Journey.
If you are WORRIED about being MISUNDERSTOOD — or even worse, if you fear that YOUR MAGIC might not even be SEEN by others — then I can surely relate to that experience.

And if that sounds like you — then you are in the right place…

I Couldn't Agree More With THIS...

"As a fundamental rule, move swiftly. 
In my experience, all of the really excellent business people 
I have met in my life shared the ability to act quickly.
I cannot think of a single exception. 
The speed at which they made decisions was quick. 
The speed at which they implemented decisions was quick.
They even walked quickly. 
As a basic principle, be quick to act."
— Hiroshi Mikitani  
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from ME

MY VISION is Saving The World
by getting as many VIABLE 
Socially-Accountable Ventures

as possible FUNDED + LAUNCHED. 

The way I see it: 
if YOU fail, we ALL fail. 
Here are 3 WAYS 
I'm committed to YOU
kind words by students

Our students love our
approach to learning

LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
Necessary for Training
  • Great faith. 
  • Great doubt. 
  • Great effort.
— Zen Proverb

Frequently asked questions

FAQ 1 title

FAQ 1 description

FAQ 2 title

FAQ 2 description

FAQ 3 title

FAQ 3 description

Thiel's Contrarian Question

"What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"

In "Zero to One" — his seminal 2014 meditation upon "how to build companies that create new things" — Peter Thiel asks:
"What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"
The Challenge inherent in answering the Contrarian Question is that you MUST say something with which the majority DISAGREES.
"Anyone trying to answer must say something she knows to be unpopular."
  • STRONG ANSWERS take the form

  • Most people believe X...
  • But the truth is the opposite of X.

Peter Thiel's Personal Answer 

 "Most people think the future of the world will be defined by globalization,
but the truth is that technology matters more."

Technology = "Any new and better way of doing things."

Contrarian Question: Venture Version

According to Thiel, the Venture Version of the contrarian question would be:
"What valuable company is nobody building?" 

To which he adds: "Every correct answer is necessarily a secret that is: 
- important but unknown 
- hard to do, but doable."

My Invitation to You...

How do YOU answer either:
(a) "What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"
(b) "What valuable company is nobody building?"
If you like, click on the LINK to the right and SHARE your answer.
You can either send a TEXT or record 1MIN of VIDEO.
I can't think of a better KICK-START to an interesting dialog between us.
And I promise to RESPOND in kind 👨🏻‍💻 ✅
DISCLAIMER — There are many reasons to both admire and not-admire Peter Thiel. 
For me, his politics, his role in Facebook and Palantir, and the calculated destruction of Gawker all exemplify a streak of rationalized ruthlessness that cannot be excused or endorsed. 
However, it is also hard to think of anyone whose perceptive insights into the startup ethos have more fundamentally shaped my own understanding of how socially-accountable ventures might yet prove instrumental in saving our beleaguered world. 
Accordingly (just as one might productively dwell with other "problematic thinkers" such as Martin Heidegger) Peter Thiel should be read with all due caution and respect.

Embrace a Proven Roadmap to Venture Viability + Fundability

Social Rocket Factory + Fundable Founders Alliance
to the Founding Journey of Very-Early Ventures like YOURS...


of ALL ventures FAIL
within 5YRS

The 5%

who reach YR5+ 


Make WEEKLY PROGRESS from Venture Idea
to 1st Raise
kind words by students

Our students love our
approach to learning

LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Josh Stobbard
Write your awesome label here.


The Louis Songster Story regarding vision, mission, and WHY SRF…
Homepage LS Bio = short. 
POV LS Bio = Can you SEE why/how I am qualified + motivated to MENTOR you along the Founding Journey? 

I've already done this A LOT...
Lot's of Ventures, Teams, Pitches — lots of SUCCESSES and lots of FAILS...
Sometimes with MY projects — sometimes with the projects of OTHERS.
Sometimes in the HOT SEAT myself — sometimes a FLY-on-the-WALL observing OTHERS taking heat...
Boy — have I learned A LOT from all of THAT!
Now — I can SHARE all of that with YOU...

If you’re not yet viable and you’re not yet fundable, I can do 4 things for you: 

Number One — I can diagnose that I can tell you where you have fatal flaws and where you have fixable weaknesses and 
Number Two — in the case that those weaknesses are fixable I can also tell you how to do it I can help you do it. 
Number Three — I can help you take the unique insights and value that you have so far created or at least aspire to create with your venture and your team and I can help you out value into a comprehensive coherence and motivating narrative.
And then… 
Number Four — I can also help you practice the performance of a 20 minute full ask pitch – 20 minutes is probably the longest that you’ll ever be allowed to pitch your venture. And often you’ll have less time to pitch — and you’ll probably have to do pictures without slides in varying degrees of formality or informality.
If you seriously want to get funded it would be wise to become a master at all of that and to recognize that you’ll never be done pitching until you stop being a founder. 
If you are fortunate, if day by day and week by week and month by month your venture is really making progress, then your story is going to change and evolve. 
You’re gonna have better answers, more complete answers, answers with more evidence, to all the questions that funders and strategic partners and first adopters and new team members are all going to ask you — over and over and over and over again.

Ways We Can Work Together...

The LEAD LINES for WWCWT each need to be a RESULT the reader ALREADY DESIRES…
Founding Journey = Venture Viability Roadmap
Killer Pitch-Craft System
Reality Pitch Method
1:1 Emergency
Fundable Founders Alliance
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